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Andy (formally Andrés Moya Bedón) which is PI-Invest Disting d'Excellencia Comunidad Valenciana proposed a future application of the PLATO development at the Technical Session on the RIA-Tec2Space 19-22 April 2022.
HAYDN benefits from the heritage of PLATO, but it is designed for the observation of...
Technical Session on RIA-Tec2Space 19-22 April 2022
IAA PLATO team attended to the RIA-Tec2Space meeting, which is the forum where engineers and scientists can present their work to the Spanish astronomic community.
The MEU team from IAA presented the MEU Poster (full resolution) describing the actual work of the MEU in PLATO mission.
It gives me...
Milestone passed successfully MEU CDR
MEU on the path to the space, MEU teams have passed successfully the Critical Design Review (CDR) on Febrery of 2022.
The CDR is an expert-led review process that evaluates the overall quality of the MEU design to confirm that it is suitable to meet the technical and programmatic requirements of...
MEU MTD ready to fly, this is the first model that could be send to space.
The two MEU MTD boxes have been treated with two coatings, both with good thermoelectric properties:
The first coating is silver plated to protect the aluminium components
The second is a black PUK paint to minimise...
Mass Thermal Dummy (MTD) ready
MEU team have just released the Mass Thermal Dummy (MTD), this is the first deliverable quelified for space. The MTD consists of a representative structure with thermal dummies of the flight.
The MTD model should be verified with a portable measuring arm for a precise measurement that...
Webinar ESA's PLATO Mission November 25, 2020
Professor Dr. Heike Rauer introduces in a Webinnar hosted by Space Science Institute-Beijing the ESA's Mission: PLATO.
The webinar is available in Bigmarker platform ESA's PLATO Mission.
DPS EM Integration at DLR
The engineering models of the PLATO DPS subsystem have been integrated at DLR. This is another step in to the path to the PLATO mission launch in 2026.
How exciting to know that we all have a setup where we could reproduce the future behavior of the PLATO telescope.
MEU EM reaches DLR
The 5th of October, the MEU Team at IAA with the collaboration of TASE, completed a new milestone, MEU EM Delivered to DLR facilities. This is the first model delivered to ESA and DLR to perform the avionics tests. The Application Software (ASW) will simulate with the two N-DPUs available in the...
Simucam Update Successfuly
IAA with the support of LESIA and USP has sauccessfuly updated the Software of SIMUCAM. SIMUCAM is a camera simulator for the PLATO satellite image capture system.